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The report is devoted to investigation of current standing of market of conveyer belts in Russia and forecast of the market development in medium-term future. The report consists of 7 Sections, contains 79 pages, including 26 Tables and 15 Figures. This work is desk study. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat, Federal Customs Service of Russia, official domestic railage statistic of JSC RZhD (former Ministry of Railway Transport of Russia), annual and quarterly reports of companies, sectoral (industrial) and regional press, as well as data from web-sites of company-players of the market. Notice that, in Russia, trucking of freight is not liable to obligatory statistic account, so the report considers only data on railage of the product. The first Section of the report presents data on design, technology of production and technical requirements, imposed on conveyer belts, as well as on materials for their production, including some data on their supplies to company-producers of conveyer belt. The second Section is devoted to analysis of production statistics for the period of 1997-2006, including data on volumes of production of rubber-fabric and rubber-rope conveyer belt in Russia for the period, analysis of the production dynamics, data on the production at distinct enterprises. Besides, the Section describes current standing of producers of conveyer belt, presents data on range and grade of the products, volumes of the production, plans on development of the enterprises, as well as data on volumes and destinations of the products supplies in 2003-2006.
The third Section is devoted to analysis of Russian foreign trade in conveyer belts in 1997-2006. The fourth Section is devoted to analysis of prices on conveyer belt in Russia, including dynamics of average monthly prices of producers on rubber-fabric belt from 2001 to 2006, export and import prices in 2003-2005, the price conjuncture in 2005-2006.
The fifth Section presents analysis of consumption of conveyer belts in Russia. The Section offers supply-demand balance of the product, structure of the consumption, data on volumes of the consumption of large consumers in 2003-2006.
The sixth, final Section of the report presents medium-term forecast of prospects of Russian market of conveyer belt, prepared on the basis of analysis of development of end-uses.
The Appendix includes addresses and contact information on the main company-producers of conveyer belt and some traders.
Table of content
1. Design, materials, technology of production and technical requirements, imposed on conveyer belts 1.1. Design and choice of conveyer belts 1.2. Materials for production of conveyer belts 1.3. Technology of production of conveyer belts 1.4. Technical requirements, imposed on conveyer belts
2. Production of conveyer belts in Russia 2.1. Volumes of production of conveyer belts in Russia 2.2. Structure of production of conveyer belts by enterprises 2.3. Description of producers of conveyer belts 2.3.1. PJSC "Kurskrezinotekhnika" 2.3.2. JSC "Ural plant RTI" 2.3.3. JSC "RTI-Kauchuk" 2.3.4. LLC "GSK Krasny Treugol’nik" 2.3.5. PJSC "Yaroslavl’-Rezinotekhnika" 2.3.6. JSC "Saransk plant "Rezinotekhnika" 2.3.7. PJSC "Krasnodar plant RTI"
3. Export-import industrial rubber (RTI) 3.1. Volumes export-import of conveyer belts 3.2. The main flows of export-import supplies of conveyer belts 3.3. Tendencies and features of export-import supplies of conveyer belt by companies
4. Prices on conveyer belt 4.1. Domestic prices 4.2. Export-import prices 4.3. Price conjuncture
5. Consumption of conveyer belts 5.1. Supply-demand balance of conveyer belts 5.2. Structure of consumption and large consumers 5.3. Traders
6. Prospects of Russian market of conveyer belt
Appendix: Contact information on company-producers of conveyer belt and traders
List of Tables:
Table 1. Supplies of rubber resin to enterprises industrial rubber industry - producers of conveyer belt in 2003-2006 Table 2. Types and kinds of conveyer belts Table 3. Quantity of tractional side irons for specific types and width of belts Table 4. Average service-life of conveyer belts Table 5. Production of conveyer belt in Russia in 1997-2006 by enterprises Table 6. Large domestic consumers of conveyer belt of PJSC "Kurskrezinotekhnika", tonnes Table 7. Foreign consumers of conveyer belt of PJSC "Kurskrezinotekhnika" Table 8. Large domestic consumers of conveyer belt of JSC "Ural plant RTI", tonnes Table 9. Range of conveyer belts, produced by PJSC "Yaroslavl’-Rezinotekhnika" (TU 2561-414-05011868-97, GOST 20-85) Table 10. Technical characteristics of food conveyer belts (in accordance with TU (Specification) 38.305 125-98) of PJSC "Krasnodar plant RTI" Table 11. Export of rubber-fabric belts in 2003-2005, broken by countries. Table 12. Import of rubber-fabric belts in 2003-2005, broken by countries. Table 13. Export of rubber-rope belts in 2003-2005, broken by countries Table 14. Import of rubber-rope belts in 2003-2005, broken by countries. Table 15. Breakage of import supplies of rubber-rope belt by company-importers in 2004-2005 Table 16. Breakage of export supplies of rubber-fabric belt by company-exporters in 2004-2005 Table 17. Breakage of import supplies of rubber-fabric belt by company-importers in 2004-2005 Table 18. Export average monthly prices on conveyer belt in 1996-2005, $/tonne Table 19. Import average monthly prices on conveyer belt in 1994-2006, $/tonne Table 20. Production and sales of conveyer belts in 1997-2006 Table 21. Structure of consumption of rubber-fabric belts, % Table 22. Structure of consumption of rubber-rope belt, % Table 23. Large consumers of conveyer belts of domestic manufacture in 2003-2006, tonnes Table 24. Range of rubber-fabric conveyer belts, sold by PJSC "Khimuglemet" Table 25. Dynamics of production indices industry-end-uses of conveyer belt in 2001-2006 Table 26. Mining and production of some kinds of products in coal industry and metallurgy
List of Figures:
Figure 1. Dynamics of production of rubber-fabric belt in Russia in 1990-2006 Figure 2. Dynamics of production of heat-resistant belt in Russia in 1997-2005 Figure 3. Dynamics of production of rubber-rope belt in Russia in 1990-2006 Figure 4. Dynamics of production of rubber-fabric and heat-resistant belt by PJSC "Kurskrezinotekhnika" in 1997-2006 Figure 5. Dynamics of production of rubber-fabric belt by JSC "Ural plant RTI" in 1997-2006 Figure 6. Dynamics of production of heat-resistant belt by JSC "Ural plant RTI" in 1997-2006 Figure 7. Dynamics of production of rubber-fabric belt by JSC "RTI-Kauchuk" in 1997-2006 Figure 8. Dynamics of production of rubber-fabric belt by LLC "GSK Krasny Treugol’nik" in 1997-2006 Figure 9. Dynamics of production of rubber-fabric belt by PJSC "Yaroslavl’-Rezinotekhnika" in 1997-2006 Figure 10. Dynamics of production of rubber-fabric belt by JSC "Saransk plant "Rezinotekhnika" in 1997-2006 Figure 11. Dynamics of production of rubber-fabric belt by PJSC "Krasnodar plant RTI" in 1997-2006 Figure 12. Dynamics of export-import supplies of rubber-fabric belts in Russia in 1997-2005 Figure 13. Dynamics of export-import supplies of rubber-rope belts in Russia in 1997-2005 Figure 14. Dynamics of average prices of producers on rubber-fabric conveyer belt in 2001-2006 Figure 15. Dynamics of production and export-import of rubber-fabric belt in 1997-2006
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